Ok I may not be spot on with this, but it is how I would like Twilight to continue/end. First off YES I am a 41 year old guy and I watched Twilight and New Moon. I know not exactly the target. That is done though, we have that out of the way.
I was interested for a few reasons:
1) Kristen Stewart is the daughter of a friend. John Stewart who was my stage manager for “Married by America” and just a great guy in this town. I remember him telling me how excited he was for her to get “Panic Room” when we were on set for MBA.
2) My wife wanted to watch it. Again obvious.
3) Possible Vampire/Werewolf fight scenes-usually a good draw.
4) It was not written by the author of “The Notebook”
5) see above
6) I am a sucker for the obvious Romeo and Juliet theme.
7) “see how she leans her cheek upon her hand, o that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek.”
8) Baseball has not started yet.
9) I looks like really nice country, of course so did “Brokeback Mountain” and Cabot Cove in “Murder She Wrote”, not to mention Robin’s Nest in “Magnum PI”.
10) Why not ? everyone else was..
Now this is my ending. (no books have been read)
Bella will be bit. That is 100% guaranteed. It has to happen but what happens next is the shock.
Notice how no one can read Bella’s mind and Dakota Fanning’s character could not inflict pain ? Ay there’s the rub.
I think we shall find that Bella possesses unique qualities all her own. Abilities hidden much like Jacob just found his “gift”. It is the gift that hides in all of us that takes time to grow. Hmm
I hope you also caught Bella questioning the “fairy tales”.
“Is everything we read as a kid true?” If Vampires and werewolves are abound what else lies sleeping beneath the blanket of the night ?
I think Bella WILL be bit BUT never changes. She is immune to the Vampires’ kiss. Then we shall see Bella transform into her own “fairy tale” creature, hidden away behind those ever moody eyes. A creature that will eventually find the “peace” between these fairy tale creations.
I have more but have to go pick up dinner…………..