Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Why does gravity hate me ?

Is it just me or does Colin always seem to fall on my watch? Am I slow, or is gravity at 9.8 ms(2) out to get me ? Again today he was pushing a car-pushed too hard and tanked it. He is ok but I am left with the inevitable C.P.S. (child protective….) look from Leilani and a dumbfounded explanation of gravity hates me :)

sleepy colin

This is a funny shot of Colin sleeping during lunch the other day-He had swim class earlier in the day so he was quite tired. This was not after today’s fall so do not yell he has a concussion. !  :)

1 comment:


Hey valentine! We sure miss you on kiss in des moines! This pic of colin is so cute he is getting so big! Ur a great dad and we all have those days! Just pick him up kiss him and tell him u love him there will always be those days where u can't always prevent them getting hurt!