reasonable answer ? It was 6:44 pm as we all sat comfortably at our
kitchen table enjoying Leilani's homemade pasta. One of Colins toys
started playing on it's own. Yes it was in the "on" position but
hadn't been played with all day. Colin has been sick. It started to
play songs we had never heard it play before, and the light pattern
was different than I have seen as well..... This went on for a few
minutes and has since stopped. Could it have been a tremor that
tripped it, a slight discharge of electricity from an older
battery........or something that goes bump in the night?
Not sure of the reality of my dilemma but nonetheless it was a "hmm"
That happens to my son's toys when the battery is starting to die. At one point, one of his toys started saying "Mommy Fat." Not cool.
Only worry if Colin's behavior changes or he starts having deep conversations with the thing.
Toys do funny things, true, when the battery is dying. Sometimes it's not even a toy and it does weird things. For instance, in the kitchen I have a ceramic Pillsbury Boy container that used to laugh, and now instead of the cool laugh that the commercial has, it sounds like "the plane, the plane!", which is reminiscent of what the funny little guy said on Fantasy Island show years ago.
VAL!!!! OMG!!! that happened to us when my daughter was about 6 months old.. we were all in the kitchen and her little chair with bells on it starting ringing!! It was in our living room. We decided that it was our ghost "Matilda". Over the years we've had different things go on and our "Matilda" is a friendly ghost. I'm serious!
Lisa (lisita15)
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