Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Ok we were at 186 today- Operation lose the weight is almost at goal.

But have you ever noticed we have so many eating/drinking Holidays in
this country?

Halloween-Turkey Day-Christmas Season-NYears-Super Bowl-Valentines-
St.Pats-Easter-Cinco de Mayo-Spring breaks-Presidents Day-4th of July-
Labor Day-Birthdays-Anniversary-on and on and on-

We would all be skinnier with less Holidays



Anonymous said...

I follow you! You are on my GReader!!!

Amaranthine thought said...

Oorrrr more self control.

Karen C. said...

Re: your tweet - I already follow your blog. :)
Re: your post - I've cut out the food parts of any holiday I celebrate. In other words, no holiday has food any more "special" or elaborate than any other random day. I'll still make and eat "holiday foods" when/if I feel like it, but I don't believe in putting a spotlight on food. I think the rest of the country disagrees with me though. I'm okay with that.