Monday, June 28, 2010

Cancer Rates:

Now let me hit the disclaimer first. I do not know if this is true or not but I do know some of the towns listed in the following reports are being analyzed for contaminents as some people believe there to be higher Cancer rates in some of the areas within a certain radius of this facility.

There may be nothing to this-but I found it interesting that the Realtor never mentioned anything about it.

Feel free to google "towns near SSFL cancer"

I would love to hear from folks in the area as well to learn what they know.


ilove1043fm said...

I heard you on the radio this morning while on my way to the gym. You had my curiousity as i suspected you were talking about Oak Park, CA (ventura county)Several years ago I had read an article or two in the local acorn regarding high cancer rates in teenage children possibly linked to the SSFL info you shared on your blog...I'm curious to know where you were looking to buy your house. I'm in Woodland Hills and didn't realize how close to home it is for me as well.

Anonymous said...

I heard you talk about this while I drove to work this morning! I was so concerned, that I couldn't wait to get home tonight and check out your blog. I had no idea the the SSFL was out here and I've lived in the SF Valley most of my life. Scary!

I hate to say it, but I feel like the world is so polluted, cancer is almost a guarantee these days. I wonder if anywhere is completely safe!? My dad works around San Pedro, and many of his colleagues have died of cancer...he thinks there is something about that area (oil refineries, etc) as well. So sad. Definitely look elsewhere for a house for you and your family!

Love the show! Thanks for the info!