Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Colin Update :)

So I was sitting here and thought to myself maybe I have not done a Colin update in a while.
When you receive so many well wishes and prayers for your child who is ill, you never forget.
Colin is doing great! The fevers are down for over 3 months now and he is thriving. He did have tubes put in his ears and an adenoidectomy which seems to have helped.
I'm not sure if as a parent you ever stop worrying, but knowing that bone marrow biopsies, carcenoid tests, nueroblastoma results are negative can be a huge relief !
One thing I have learned with all our hospital stays is that even though the results were negative for us, there are parents who have different outcomes.
The doctor walked into their hospital room with different results.  
I know what it is like to sit around a hospital pacing, or to just wait by a phone and wonder if "no call yet" is a good thing or bad.
So as we race towards the holidays we always try and remember others in our prayers, but sometimes we get tough news on days that just end in a "y".
Thank you for caring about our son :)
Facebook "Pages"   "Valentine in the Morning"
PS : My police uniform stilll fits !  (not the pants though..)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Colin is doing well. God is really looking over that sweet little boy!! I hope you and your wife are feeling and doing well now too. Take care!