I can not even begin to explain how much this blessing has changed our lives. The love you have for your child is simply one of the most magical spells ever to be cast. If you read this blog on a regular basis you know that Colin has had some tough times in these first 18 months. Three major hospital stays, several urgent cares, CT scans, X-rays, specialists, ER's, etc. BUT through all of this we have a happy little boy that just wants to throw his toys in our small fish pond.
We were back at the Hospital the other day, this time UCLA Medical. One thing I feel like pointing out is the doctors and nurses whose calling leads them to pediatrics. Many times you find specialists outside of Pediatrics that may be territorial or so sure of their diagnosis that they are not the most willing to get a consult or look elsewhere for an answer. In Pediatrics I have noticed no one cares who figures it out, they just want to make your child better. There are no bragging rights in this world...just two little eyes looking at the adults asking for help.
I think I am writing now just for personal relief :) I just want him to be better. I have about five more minutes at work and I can leave....I am sure the teardrops on my keyboard will dry in a few minutes. It is better to cry in private and through the anonymity of the internet.
I'm so sorry you're having to see your son go through this. I know it's not easy. I have a 4 year old and she gave us a scare when she was an infant. I went the Western medicine route and went nowhere. They couldn't help her. I decided try natural medicine and now she's completely fine. I know the allopathic doctors mean well, but when they don't have the answers, you need to look for other methods.
I went to Dr. Daniel Brousseau, D.O. from Pasadena. He has also had the same medical training as an MD but with additional training in Anthroposophical Medicine.
I know you love your son and want to see him better. For this reason I urge you to look for other means. It won't hurt to give it a try.
I hear you on the radio talk about your son and my heart goes out to you and your wife. I want to call but it's so hard to get through. I also don't know if you're open to this but I can honestly say it has done so much for us. I used to be every doctor's dream patient. I did everything they said and now I question everything. I still go to regular doctors because they are great at diagnosing most illnesses. However, the treatments are mostly guided by pharmaceutical companies and the latest drug on the market. Most of the time, they only bring on other problems.
Please get another opinion before he gets worse.
My son is now seventeen (18 in Februrary), and I also have a daughter who just turned sixteen. I don't think a day goes by when I don't worry about them. It's perfectly natural for a parent to worry when your kid is in the hospital, gets sick at home, coughs--E all the above when they are little especially!!! My kids are 20 months apart and I still worry when they get sick!
Just remember to take care of you, for without you that little guy won't have a dad who loves him dearly. Stress release comes in having a good laugh. Smile when your son is smiling, and the world will feel like sunshine on your face.
I am sorry to hear about all that your family is going thought right now. Know that you are in my thoughts and prays. I wondered what had happened to you on the radio. The show is not the same with out you. I am so sorry about this you are a great dad. I know that my family is my world too. Take care Kim
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