Christmas was amazing, even though we were in the doctors office on
the 24th and drawing blood on the 26th we were together :) loving each
other and I am happier and fatter for it !!
His grandparents were with us for two weeks before Christmas and his
Nana has come now after Christmas- he finds them so much more
entertaining than us.
The update on my lovebug has us driving to see his GI specialist today.
We have a good feeling about it.
Through the holiday period and another Hospital stay we ruled out
leukemia, lymhomas, and lots of bad things. That is a blessing. Those
prayers are helping :)
We are thrilled so many things have been crossed off with endless
blood work, biopsies, swabs, PET/CT scans and MRI's.
He still has this fever at different points everyday but it does not
stop him from wanting to laugh and play, so all any parent can do is
press on and continue with the best care and love humanly possible.
We have received so many amazing and really heartfelt letters from
folks across the country and down the street and I am doing my best to
respond to all of them. It may take a bit, but please know that I am
reading them all! Many parents are/have been in similiar situations
as to us and know that my prayers include you as well. There is
nothing wrong with praying for each other :)
I daydream sometimes about when Colin was born and I went outside for
the first time, how everything seemed so different. It was brighter
and honestly somewhat amazing. I try and remember that as our daily
struggles place their weight upon us, that being a parent has no real
manual and when your child is sick so much of the world really fades
away. That is ok. We are ok. He is in the car seat next to me as his
mommy drives and I watch him rub his tired baby eyes. (someone refused
a nap today)
He is going to get better and we won't give up! And one day in the not
so distant future he may even eat a piece of broccoli. I know, I
know....but it never hurts to hold onto a dream for just one extra
breath. That might just be the extra push it needed to fly.