Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Haunted Tale

Looking for Ghost Stories, here is one that Brianna wrote in with :

Hi there! My name is Brianna Blum, I have had my house haunted for a while, until I got rid of the ghost. But I have two events I would like to tell you of many events. The First is: I was in my bed, witch is like a bunk bed without the bottom bunk, it was morning my grandmother had just arrived for a visit, I didn't want to get up it was cold so I stayed laying down with the covers up to my neck. The covers started to slide down slowly off of me, I sat up and watched them go down to my legs, then I said' "okay I'm getting up", then they stopped, and it sounded like some one just got off my bed and landed on the floor. The next event, I was in the living room reading a old library book, The phone rang so I went to get it, when I hung it up I went back over to the couch and the pages started to turn one by one, All windows/ doors closed and no fans, now I am a major book worm so the first thing I did was say, "No I'll lose my page", then the pages went and flipped back quickly all at once to the page I was on.

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