Thursday, October 22, 2009

What to say ?

Part of me wanted to stop writing about this because I was just so tired after the events of the day(s) that I could not bring myself to write. Explaining to family and friends was hard enough, as repeating details over and over can just wear you down.  My wife is really the rock when it comes to Colin’s health.  She is amazing.  He has had a fever for three weeks tomorrow :( We have an amazing pediatrician. She and her fellow doctors really care about Colin. That really helps.

Last weekend we watched Colin struggle through a CT scan, a catheter, and more blood work. The weekend before was X-rays for pneumonia. I am sick of hospitals. Today we were at UCLA Medical Center to meet with Immunologists and Infectious Disease experts.  The highlight for my son was the salt water fish tank with Nemo. We were there for a few hours and by the end of it I was calling the Nemo fish Elmo…..I had lost it. (I still don’t understand if that red Elmo is a monkey, a bear, or….my wife says he is a 3 year old monster.)

Then it was downstairs for more blood work :( Alot of sick children that just break your heart with every breath… but I was holding mine. All of this seems unrelated to anything in the past , he just has a fever of an unknown origin.  He is such a fighter with needles and the like, this kid needs at least four of us to secure him down for any testing. I swear he could be a boxer, god I love him so much.

All the blood work keeps coming back normal which we love, but we just want what every parent does: health.

I am confident he is fine, this is just another entry in his book-but I am pretty sure he would like to start a new chapter.


Unknown said...

Good luck val to u and. Ur family. I know what it is like watching ur child sick and not being to do anything. My 13 yr old is fighting RSD for the 2nd time this year, as parents we want to protect them.

One thing gets me thru the day, knowing god would not put us thru this if we couldn't handle it. My thoughts and prayers r with u, and colin will be fine he has two great parents by his side.

Martha barrantes and family

Tira J said...

Hi Valentine, just found your blog through twitter. Colin has quite a story and we will be praying that his health can be restored so you can all live a normal life.

bsesma45 said...

I'm sorry you're going through this. It's so hard to deal with your child being sick and you feel helpless. I hope it all turns out well.

One thing you can do is help him build his immune system. There's a reason he has a fever, and if you are giving him tylenol or another fever reducer, you're not letting his body fight the infection he has. We get fevers because there are some infection that need to be fought at a higher temperature. People don't realize that when you reduce the fever, you often prolong the illness. Not all fevers are bad. You have to allow his body to do what it needs to do to fight it. Read this from Dr. Jay Gordon, pediatrician,

Kelley said...

Hi Val, This is my first time commenting. I think I found your blog through Twitter and I listen to your radio show in the morning.

I just wanted to say that you are an amazing parent. I am all too aware of the struggles you are going through. My son (now 23 months) was awfully sick for about 5 months at the beginning of this year. It was non-stop and terribly exhausting for him, and us. The doctors visits were never-ending, the needle pricks were a fight, and the CT scan was nervewracking. Seems like we've been through a lot of the same things. My son is fine now, but they never really found out what was wrong with him. To say that I've lost faith in the medical field is an understatement. It's hard to trust them when they can't figure out what's wrong with your baby. On the flip side of that, I know they were doing all they can.

You, Colin and your wife are in my prayers. Stay strong and pray a lot. I'm religious, but not over the top. When I started praying every day begging God to help my son, things started looking up.